
  • Asisten Superstar (Assistant of Superstar) Menceritakan seorang mahasiswi sastra tanpa tidak sengaja menja…
  • Yuchi Yaoyao, una estudiante destacada en el Departamento de Clásicos, forjó una relación con la superestr…
  • [Trợ Lý Thiên Vương] Uất Trì Liễu Liễu- một sinh viên hàng đầu của Khoa lị…
  • The story revolves around an uncultured handsome and popular superstar with Virgo tendencies and obsessive…
  • 少女千鸟机缘巧合之下进入一家叫作“灵溪文化”的新晋唱片公司工作。在与公司五个作为男团培养的新人的接触过程中…
  • 根据南派三叔原著小说改编的爱奇艺自制剧集《终极笔记》讲述了自云顶天宫事件之后,吴邪刚刚从三叔处得知西沙海底…
  • The deity Bai Yan was banished to the mortal world for accidentally disturbing the human marriage. He fell…
  • 原本只对三叔经历感兴趣的吴邪历险归来后收到神秘录像带,发觉自己被卷入一场阴谋中。他只身探险格尔木疗养院,偶…
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