
  • Tells a story of people in a small town of Schwarzwald, dragged by history through the events of 30's and …
  •   Konstantin Gudauskas is a Jew born in Kazakhstan, but received political asy…
  •   One has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growin…
  •   单亲母亲安娜和她的四个孩子住在乌克兰顿巴斯战区前线。当外面的世界充满了爆炸和混乱,这个家庭试图把他们的…
  • <p>  王储亚历山大(Dmitri Isayev 饰)在一次偶然之中邂逅了美丽的宫女奥尔加(Marina Kaza…
  •   1941年发生在摩尔曼斯克。一种渡船、船只、战俘和弹药,用来帮助对抗德国军队。船员必须避开德国战舰的攻击,…
  •   苏联女学生柳德米拉·帕夫利琴科在一次射击游戏中无意间发现了自己的射击天赋,1941年她不顾家人反对毅然参军…
  •   Moscow, 1902. The famous director Konstantin Stanislavsky, in search of insp…
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