
  • The Story is purportedly based on real-life incidents which took place in the 1980s
  • Afterarandomschoolshootoutleavesascientist#39;sdaughterandtheshooterdead,heusesnano-robotstolookintoapsych…
  •   After a random school shootout leaves a scientist's daughter and the shooter…
  • 不祥的占星運勢顯示出惡兆,他與未來的妻子不會有好下場,但這名認真的單身漢無所不用其極,矢志要得到他夢寐以求…
  • 南达·高普兰·库马兰(Nandha Gopalan Kumaran),简称NGK,为人善良,乐于助人.他是个高材生,在跨国大公司工作了两…
  • Mahesh, a photographer, gets beaten up by a stranger when he tries to solve an issue in his village. He se…
  • 1948年,孟买。饱受争议的知名作家Saadat Hasan Manto因出版多部针砭时事的作品而引起公众愤慨。印巴分治之后,他…
  •   Dedicated to Shrimati SL Loney ji, Shri Irodov ji and Maanniya HC Verma ji, …
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