
  • After Hassan discovers Zidik living alone on the streets, he takes him in and cares for him like a son. Zi…
  • A private investigator is forced into a dangerous alliance with a killer. They will try to uncover a quiet…
  •   Just two weeks before Roya, a banned Iranian journalist, is set to emigrate …
  •   在前往麦加朝觐的前几天,加达遇到了一件急事,需要一大笔钱。她必须回到被玷污的过往,不让它吞噬自己。
  • 本片讲述了生活在多伦多郊区的一个印度裔青年违背家人的意愿一心想要成为冰球选手的故事。锡克教徒拉杰维尔辛格是…
  • 在伊朗偏僻的山区,来自各地的大学生带着风筝参与盛会,循着小路来到荒郊野外,于宽阔的湖边扎营。越过长长的树林…
  • Akbar has just turned eighteen. He has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the a…
  • 这部电影的主角是一个名叫库巴的小男孩,由于他的姐姐病得很重,他决定参加非法的赛车比赛,以迅速获得现金。在他…
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