
  •   一个虐待狂的屠夫家族已经进入了这个偏远的国家,从冬天的严寒到夏天的狗日,任何一个越过自己的路的人都是死…
  •   The film follows 6-year-old Villads in school and at home. Villads often run…
  • 臭名昭著的金融家、明星富豪马库斯锒铛入狱。在他因以前的某些不法交易惨遭一群摩托党毒打后,马库斯自愿提出与监…
  • Katrine Ries Jensen警探和法律神经病专家托马斯·谢弗正在哥本哈根警局组建了一个连环杀人案调查小组。随着调查…
  •   一千年前的布列颠群岛上,当时王刚登基为王。当邪恶的罗勃和他残暴的助手格利分抢走亚瑟王的石中剑亚瑟王的石…
  • At the Wannsee Conference on 20 January, 1942, senior Nazi officials meet to determine the manner in which…
  • A stranger in his own life, 25 year old Danny reluctantly returns to his childhood home after his father's…
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