
  • EmmawakesupinherthirtiestofindherselfaloserwhenherbestfriendLolaaskshertobetheguardianofherabouttobebornch…
  •   这是一部具有奇幻元素的电影,故事发生在1996年的夏天,在阿拉戈斯海岸,塔玛拉在她居住的渔村度过了最后几周…
  •   Jeppe和Cecilie在高中新学期开始的时候认识对方并且迅速的相爱了,但是生活却不像Jeppe想的那样顺利。Cec…
  • 一对即将分离的情侣彼此取暖;一位老妇人沉浸在过往爱情岁月;一对玩伴畅想移民美国,成为职业棒球球员。在古巴内…
  • On January 1, 2003, in the south of Brazil, Laura, matriarch of a family of the upper middle class, found …
  • 讲述了一群囚犯发现自己被困在一个神秘而致命的迷宫里,此迷宫名为“安德烈(Andròn)”。他们不记得他们为何来…
  •   A wife who just had a miscarriage finds out that her husband is having an af…
  •   A pair of young siblings visit their grandparents in Normandy as WWII breaks…
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